Friday, September 26, 2008

The Shame of Brotherhoodness

"We may never know what inspired this reaction from Joel - but we're sure he owes us all money."

Essence of the Brown House

es·sence [es-uhns]:
the basic, real, and invariable nature of a thing or its significant individual feature or features

If this doesn't capture the essence of the Brown House, I don't know what ever will.

photo contest

i know a new empty blog can look really intimidating, so here's a little something to get us started:
introducing...the brown house blog photo contest!!!

official rules:
1) post a photo of a favorite brown house moment. let's start with moments that were actually in or around the brown house.
2) the photo must include a caption to be eligible.
3) please limit one photo per person.
4) you do not have to be the photographer of the picture in order to qualify. (you may want to raid hannah's facebook.)
5) when a fair number of pictures are submitted, we'll vote on a winner, and that person will receive...something..awesome.


Thursday, September 25, 2008


welcome to the digital representation of the Brown House! even as i type, i am kind of disgusted by how a community that was once so rich and alive and real is now reduced--through the diaspora of post-college pursuits--to an electronic community of pseudo-connectedness. nevertheless, i miss you. and i was not okay with us having no central forum for getting together, so even if we have to do so in a completely lame and electronic way, i say so be it...until you all decide to move to new england. :o) hooray!!