Thursday, September 25, 2008


welcome to the digital representation of the Brown House! even as i type, i am kind of disgusted by how a community that was once so rich and alive and real is now reduced--through the diaspora of post-college pursuits--to an electronic community of pseudo-connectedness. nevertheless, i miss you. and i was not okay with us having no central forum for getting together, so even if we have to do so in a completely lame and electronic way, i say so be it...until you all decide to move to new england. :o) hooray!!


Hannah said...

Hooray! I, for one, am very glad for an online forum. When more than 3,000 miles separate us, bring on the internet!

Emily said...

Ummmmm, I don't think the Brown House actually got torn down. Pretty sure that hole will live on until it actually falls down ;-)

Robin said...

no, seriously...check out google maps. it's gone! :o(

Robin said...

and it's not on the wheaton housing site any more:

jacqui said...

Yeah they're putting the new science building in its place. The Brown House and the one next to it on the corner. They were there a few weeks ago when I was on campus, but no one was living in them....GONE!

Hannah said...

Wait... the science building is going to be next to Arena?? That's just not right. And please, don't tell me they're actually going to be allowed to go through with the proposed plan to put the theatre in the "new" Adams building. A large part of my soul will die.